Chan Awarded, Breaks Back

Jackie Chan has hurt himself again… but probably doesn’t care. His new version of Police Story, which has already received wide acclaim won four of the Asian Oscar equivalent, the Golden Horse Awards. I mention this as a Jackie fan who has this weird, unreasoning hope that he may have finally stopped making total crap. Around the World in 80 Days was the film that finally crushed my Jackie spirit completely. Though I’ve liked a lot of his American films like Rush Hour and Shanghai Noon he is also responsible for some of the worst Hollywood films of the past decade. Police Story sounds like it could be a return to form, as may also be true of the currently in production film Myth.

That’s where Jackie, as he often does, injured himself, this time hurting his back so badly that he was in tears (according to Yahoo News). The guy isn’t getting any younger… at some point one of these injuries is going to take him out of commission permanently. Till then, it doesn’t sound like he’s slowing down. If he’s stopped making movies like The Tuxedo maybe it’s worth the price.

Blend News Network

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