Fellowship of the Kong

Naomi Watts has already sealed the deal to star in Academy Award Winning Director Peter Jackson's remake of the 1930's classic King Kong. Naomi is set to play the Broadway Actress Ann Darrow. No other "big name" casting has really gone on for this flick...that is...until now. Carl Denham, the adventurer/filmmaker looking for his break is the male lead. Robert Armstrong originated the part in 1933, this time Denham will garner the nickname of Tenacious D. That's right, Jack Black knabbed the role in this upcoming remake. Which was all Jackson's doing.

quote:P.J.: I've been wanting to work with him ever since I saw him in "High Fidelity"

Now he will. King Kong starts filming this August.

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(It isn't a remake, this is just a tribute!)

Report by: Liam Wirberley