Audiences Will Be Scared By Details

Paramount Vantage is looking for audiences interested in seeing people dead, and so they've purchased a horror script called Details from writer Dan Kay (no relation to the singing, dancing musical sensation with an ny at the end of his name).

The Hollywood Reporter says the script is an adaptation of a short story written by British fantasy writer China Mieville. A girl uncovers a demonic force that only she can see and disappears. Her father goes looking for her and will stop at nothing to bring her back, even if it means sleeping with his incredibly sexy sister to please Al Pacino and bring about Armageddon.

Vantage's brass is touting Details as a smart, high-concept horror flick, but then I'm sure Sony said the same thing about their remake of When a Stranger Calls. In the case of Vantage though, it could actually be true. Their track record suggests they're usually focused on less commercially viable indie films. It'll be interesting to see what they've found in Kay's script.

Josh Tyler