Rocky Horror Picture Show Ruined

Rocky Horror Picture Show is just one of those things. A pop cultural landmark that covers everyone. I remember going to shows in high school, I was more or less a complete loner at the time, despised by and despising everyone. But at Rocky Horror it didn’t matter who you were, the punks, geeks, Goths, and even a few of the straitlaced Sweet Valley High crowd came out for some transgressive fucked up fun. Someone should send Richard O’ Brian’s transgressive masterpiece to the Middle East, there would be peace within the week.

Rocky Horror Picture Show is a glorious fluke. It’s a glorious accident that can never be duplicated, even when the maker’s attempted it with Shock Treatment. So of course someone is trying to duplicate it. And of course that someone is Marilyn Manson, according to Bloddy-Disgusting. Yes Marilyn Manson, the “shock” rocker who lost so much relevance so fast that he can now only be considered completely pathetic

Well, I hope Fox has the brains to leave well enough alone and cancel the project, and if not I hope this turns out like those stupid Manson for Willy Wonka rumors and just blows away. This is simply bad casting on an epic scale. The fact is Manson has no sense of humor about himself, which is why his act grew so stale so fast while someone like Rob Zombie still sells albums and fills stadiums. Without a sense of humor Rocky Horror is nothing. I’m not especially worried, this movie is along way from reality, and if it does happen in a few years it’ll be as relevant as the seventies King Kong. Until then remember it’s just a jump to the left.