Video: Summing up the universe post-Tree Of Life

Terrence Malick's new film Tree of Life is probably the last movie anyone should attempt to review just minutes after walking out of the theater-- which is kind of why it was fun to try it. In the video below I join forces with Erin McCarthy and Jenni Miller to try and process what we'd just seen. You can actually watch us forming the thoughts on camera, thoughts that I at least will try and formulate into the actual review I'll be writing later. It's not the most insightful commentary you'll see on Tree of Life but definitely among the most unvarnished, and the video is a pretty good look at the conversations we critics have amongst ourselves after every screening, not just the ones as twisty and fascinating as Tree of Life.

Check out the video below, and stay tuned for more specific and well-thought reactions to the film later on.