Tony Scott Will Remake The Warriors

Before Deja Vu the idea of Tony Scott remaking a cult classic would have sent me into epileptic spasms. But after Deja Vu, the horror of Domino is forgiven Tony and I’m ready for whatever you want to do next.

Empire says what’s next for Tony Scott is a remake of the beloved 1979 film The Warriors. Okay, maybe I'm not so ready. The original is a gritty movie about a New York street gang called The Warriors framed for the murder of a leader trying to unite all the area’s gangs. With all the other city’s gangs out for blood, the movie follows them as they try to make it back to their home turf of Coney Island alive. Scott says his version will be very different.

For starters it won’t be set in New York, but in Los Angeles. Why the change? He thinks New York is to vertical, and “L.A. is more horizontal.” He also says that The Warriors is one of his favorite movies and that he hates remakes, but he’s doing it anyway. I’ve never understood why any filmmaker would want to redo something they love. If you like the movie that much, wouldn’t you rather leave it untouched than try to replace it with a different version? Scott says he’s not doing that, he’s just reinventing it. He told Empire, “It's Kingdom Of Heaven meets The Warriors.” Has he seen Kingdom of Heaven? Doesn’t he know it’s terrible? Kingdom of Heaven shouldn’t be allowed to meet anything, let alone The Warriors.

As research, Tony Scott is out meeting with real gang leaders. So when the gangs in his film are debating the merits of Christianity versus Islam on top of a parapet, remember that this new version of The Warriors is completely realistic.

Josh Tyler