CB Does Comic Con 08

Tomorrow half the Cinema Blend news staff will be abandoning their posts to catch a plane and head towards California, leaving Katey to develop fantal carpal tunnel as she rushes bravely in to fill our void. This year, for the first time ever, we’re getting off our ass and covering the San Diego Comic Con. I hear they have stuff about movies there mixed in with the comic books. If that turns out to be true, we’ll be on the ground to confirm it.

By Wednesday night, Rafe Telsch, Ed Perkis, and myself will have our press badges in our fedoras and our pencils in our hand to relay to all of you everything we can worm our way into. Right now, the list of stuff we’ll be wiggling our way through is looking pretty long. Below is a quick breakdown of just some of the things we’ll be bringing you over the next week of incredible, world-beating Cinema Blend Comic Con coverage:

Exclusive Interviews: CB’s own Rafe Telsh will drag his podcasting camera around the convention floor. When he’s not pointing it at half-naked girls dressed up as gold bikinied Princess Leia’s, he’ll use it for sit down interviews with folks like the casts of Watchmen, Twilight, Ninja Assassin, Knowing, RocknRolla, Stargate, the new Knight Rider, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Big Bang Theory, Robert Englund, Corey Feldman, Kal Penn, John Cho, and because my fingers are starting to cramp let’s just finish this list off with an AND MORE!

Sweet, Sweaty Panels: While Rafe is living the high life hobnobbing with celebrities, Ed and I will be waiting in long lines and fighting our way into Comic Con panels to sit next to fat, sweaty dudes wearing Stormtrooper outfits. Look for our complete coverage and photos from every Con panel we can manage to get into. We’ll have info on movies like Day the Earth Stood Still, Max Payne, The Wolfman, The Spirit, Zack and Miri Make a Porno AND MORE! We may even sit in to see what’s up with a few TV shows like Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse, JJ Abrams’ Fringe, Lost… wait for it… AND MORE! Seriously, there’s going to be a lot of this AND MORE I’ve been talking so much about. It’s hot.

Crazy Convention Floor Photos: Every once in awhile we may take a breath, peel ourselves off the sweaty Stormtrooper guy, and head out for a look at what’s going on in the convention hall. I hear they have Klingons. We’ll probably fight them.

Qapla'! Stay tuned to all our Con coverage by cruising around the site, or on our dedicated Comic Con channels linked to below:



Josh Tyler