Comic Con In Photos: Wednesday Arrival Atmosphere

The Cinema Blend Comic Con superfriends (Katey Rich, Kelly West, Eric Eisenberg, and Pete Haas) are officially on the ground in San Diego and wandering around Comic Con 2010. We’ll be updating Cinema Blend constantly over the next few days with all the latest and greatest from the geekiest place in Earth. What you’ll find here though is a gallery of Comic Con atmosphere on day one. We’ll be adding new images to the gallery below all day today to give you a feel for what’s going down.

In the gallery below you'll see the CB Super Friends working in various locations, along with much more interesting Con-related stuff: the Green Hornet's car Black Beauty on display on the streets of San Diego, a look at the early stages of the Scott Pilgrim Experience that kicks off at the Hilton tomorrow, a smattering of the Tron: Legacy banners that are all over downtown, and of course, lots and lots of viral marketers. Browse the gallery and check back later. We’ll be updating it regularly.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend