Don't Expect Scream 4

What’s your favorite scary movie? Those words kicked off one of the better, more recent, slasher/horror franchises that not only served as entertaining films, but also as a not-so-subtle commentary on the state of slasher/horror flicks. Of course, I’m talking about Scream, Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson’s ‘90s trilogy of terror, featuring one of the latest icons to join the horror industry, Ghostface. Now there’s talk coming of Ghostface’s return. I guess the move would make sense – all horror franchises seem to grind out sequels until they’ve lost their initial purpose and worn out their welcome, so why not Scream?

So, here’s the quick skinny: a lot of sites are saying this is happening. Why? Because of a blog post from “the official Weinstein Company blog” stating that it is. The post talks about how much money the movies have made and how the fans have been calling for a fourth film for years now, and they’re going to make it. Of course, they are only in the planning stages and it may not happen for some time but it’s coming. I say: bullshit.

First of all, head over to The Weinstein Company homepage. Notice what’s not linked to anywhere over there? A blog. So the notion that this came from an “official Weinstein Company blog” is fabricated. It might have come from a blog that someone mistakenly assumed was official, but it isn’t. In fact, the “official Weinstein Company blog” in question isn’t even there anymore. The sites that had the decency to provide a link to their source now have a link leading to a “page unfound” message at You know, because a major company like The Weinstein Company would use for an “official Weinstein Company blog”. MySpace I could understand, since just about everyone and their brother uses it as a promotional tool. If they wanted an “official” blog outside of that, they’d have their page designer add one to their official webpage, just so everything is “official.” It’s not like blogging software is all that complicated to add to a webpage.

No, there isn’t anything to substantiate this at all. Scream was a brilliant film and the sequels were enjoyable, but I think even the most dedicated fan saw the quality was rapidly going down as the trilogy kept going. It’s best to leave those movies alone with the Ghostface mysteries solved. I can’t even imagine the original cast or crew would want to return to the project either. It’s a closed book with no need to reopen it.