Wax Figures

House of Wax is yet another out-of-the-can horror cheese-fest waiting to unleash itself on mindless theatre going teenagers and unsuspecting thriller fans. No, I'm not talking about the silly but scary 1950's thriller, I'm referring to the Paris Hilton vehicle due out later this year.

Not only is Paris starring, but the cast includes other TV stars turned movie actors including "One Tree Hill"'s Chad Michael Murray, "24"'s Elisha Cuthbert and "Gilmore Girls"' Jared Padalecki. Movie execs are obviously counting on the same demographic feeding Fox and the WB.

In keeping with tradition, CB is proud to point out the latest on lame movies you'd probably rather not see. Less than exciting are these images from Flick Addict. The production photos look more like an Abercrombie and Fitch photo shoot gone bad. Now, there's an idea for a movie. Some of the images are here for "One Tree Hill" fans to drool over. For larger versions or to see the rest of the collection, check out the site.