Comedy Central Goes For More Fake News With Onion Sports Network

Hopefully by now you've realized that, while the print Onion articles are good, their Onion News Network may very well be the best thing on the internet. The deadpan news announcers, many of them recruited from actual news channels, deliver their absurd news in such a way that you can actually believe it's true. It's perfection.

While the actual news angle of it would probably be too confusing for actual television-- imagine thinking you're watching CNN to tune into a segment about Stouffer's suicide prevention tips?-- but sports are apparently fair game for cable. THR reports that Comedy Central has signed a deal to air Onion Sports Network, a scripted series that "will take on teams, players, fans, products and over-hyped coverage."

Given the inherent ridiculousness of sports programming in general-- have you seen the one where there's a timer telling them how long they're allowed to yell about a topic?-- there seems to be a whole lot to work with here. I just hope there's something like Sports Shouting in there too.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend