Comic Con 2011: MTV's Death Valley Producers Talk Horror And Comedy

MTV's Death Valley has a lot to prove. It's a comedy horror show with cops going after zombies. OK, I admit I've taken a reductive approach to describing the show. But the truth is that in a world where we've already seen Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland you have to wonder if the same concept will work on television.

The Walking Dead has proven that a more political and serious old school approach to zombies is perfect for TV fans. I sat down and spoke with the producers here at Comic Con for a brief moment, and they let it be known that they're treating the horror aspect with the respect it deserves. Same for the comedy. And they're not going to make the horrific elements into sight gags or jokes.

"We treat it like the monsters are scary, the cops are where the funny comes," says producer Austin Reading. "It's the human condition we're exploring."

They say they're pushing the boundaries of horror on cable tv, and while I'm always wary of MTV produced programming there is a lot of passion for what Death Valley promises by its creators.

You can catch the trailer for the series below.

Tags: MTV Shows

Death Valley premieres August 29th at 10:30/9:30c on MTV.

Steve West

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.