The Sarah Silverman Program Back On Track For A Gay Old Time

Finally. Ever since Obama was sworn in I’ve been waiting for it to happen. The world to change. Something to save us, and it’s the gay community that does it. The Sarah Silverman Program has been salvaged by Logo, the gay network. The show had been halted due to money constraints that left Sarah and the cast saying they wouldn’t work for the measly $850,000 Comedy Central was willing to shell out. Because it costs money to shoot scenes of Sarah’s friends playing a role playing game.

Comedy Central has decided to share production cost with sister network Logo. Sisters? Brothers!!! Ah, a RENT reference that likely went over 83% of readers’ heads. Because the two networks are combining to produce the show the budget is not only better than the most recent offer, but improved over the preview two seasons. That means more poop spectaculars for all.

Season three of The Sarah Silverman Program will move forward with production for a return to air at some point in 2010.

Steve West

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.