TV Recap: Cashmere Mafia - The Deciders

Ok, I’m no fashionista, but tonight Mia was wearing what appeared to be a curtain from my grandmother’s house. Yes, I’m quite sure that’s what it was. The costume director broke into my grandmother’s house, stole one of her curtains, and draped it around Mia’s tiny frame. What, they don’t have the budget for real clothes? Or perhaps they’re doing a take-off on the Gone With the Wind scene where Scarlett fashions a dress out of curtains. Whatever.

Mia freaks when she runs into Jack and discovers they’ll be at the same party on Saturday night. So she decides to call a Chinese brain surgeon her mom set her up with and invite him to the party. Oh, and make sure you fawn all over me, she tells him, because she wants to one-up Jack when he brings his new girlfriend. What is this, eighth grade? Anyway, it works and Jack feels badly for the way things ended between them. Sorry, bud, you had your chance, Mia tells him. Well, that and the fact that they had zero chemistry between them.

Zoe ends up taking a conference call during her son’s laser-gun birthday party. Does anyone else think it’s strange to have a birthday party for a kid centered entirely around guns? Anyway, she’s battling it out with Katherine, the blonde assistant who’s sleeping with her boss. But Zoe manages to look good to the client, even from the laser-gun party.

Juliet is still suspicious that Davis is having an affair. Ok, let’s put the pieces together here. He buys her a $200,000 car, arranges a “power couple” photo shoot for a magazine, takes a mysterious cell phone call, has a speeding ticket from the Hamptons stuffed in the visor, and is caught coming out of a building with that vixen Cilla Gray. Uh, no, that all sounds completely trustworthy to me. Juliet finally wises up and kicks his ass into a hotel.

Caitlin attends a lesbian bridal shower with Alicia, then falls for a guy at the bar where the shower is held. You know, you don’t really have to choose, Cait. You can do both. Probably at the same time. Well, we’ll see how it all shakes out. Geez, I really wish this show would get interesting. The music is kind of kicky, though, so there’s that.