Chaplin Goes Blu For Its 15th Anniversary

Earning Robert Downey Jr. an Oscar nomination for Best Actor, Richard Attenborough's Chaplin was one of the movies that established Downey as a talent to be reckoned with...before all that promise got sidelined by the actor's well-publicized substance abuse problems. Still, while Downey had some dark years between Chaplin and becoming the star he is today, there's no question that his dynamic performance as the iconic golden-age comedian was a sign of brighter things to come. Now you'll be able to see that performance in the best quality yet available, as Lionsgate has announced a 15th Anniversary Blu-ray release for Chaplin, due out February 15th.

In addition to netting you a snazzy 1080p copy of the film itself, the Chaplin Blu-ray will include several featurettes: "Strolling Into the Sunset," "Chaplin the Hero," and "The Most Famous Man in the World" (not to be confused with The Most Interesting Man in the World). Not exactly bursting at the seams, but for twenty bucks, you're getting one of Downey's finest performances in a great film, so why complain?