The DVD Blend Jumps Over the Hedge

Each week DVDs come out. Some of them are worth your time and money and some aren't. Some of them are movies I've seen, and some of them aren’t. Regardless, I give you my opinion on the big releases of the week. If the releases sound like something you want to buy, just click the link to go to and you’ll support Cinema Blend with a few pennies. Take it or leave it, here's the DVD Blend.

Cinema Blend Pick of the Week:

Over the Hedge

Over the Hedge just might be the best non-Disney animated film to come out in years, and its zany style (reminiscent of the last big non-Disney competition, Warner Brothers’ Looney Tunes) even gives the Mouse House some competition. The movie serves as a good fable with a strong moral lesson, but doesn’t sacrifice any fun or character development in the attempt to reach that lesson At the same time the movie is willing to go as far as it needs to to get those laughs (hence the Looney Tunes reference). Ignore any hesitancy you might have due to the seemly overstuffed cast (they are all used really well) and make sure you check Over the Hedge out!

Click to Purchase Over the Hedge (Widescreen Edition)

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Worth mentioning:
Row 1 - Cell 0 The Break-Up - Although this movie takes much of its story idea from War of the Roses there are some fantastic performances in here that makes the movie worth watching. Headliners Aniston and Vaughn are good, but look at Jon Favreau, Justin Long, Jason Bateman, and John Michael Higgins for the true scene stealers.Row 1 - Cell 2 American Dreamz - Making fun of the American political system by juxtaposing it with American entertainment seems to be the trend in movies between this and Man of the Year. This one appears to be the better of the two films though and is hitting DVD just in time to compete with Williams’ flick.
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Also coming out this week:
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