G.I. Joe 2 Won't Fix Things That Aren't Broken

You might think that hiring the writers of Zombieland to write the sequel to GI Joe instead of rehiring the guys who wrote the first movie is a sign that Paramount listened to the movie’s critics, agrees that the movie sucks, and is ready to go a different direction for the second one. You would be wrong. Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick recently spoke to MTV and reassured fans that they, “will be faithful to the first film.”

Good. Despite a few wrongheaded detractors G.I. Joe was a surprising amount of fun. The Zombieland boys seem intent on keeping it that way. That doesn’t mean they don’t have their own ideas and sensibilities. But says Wernick, “It will be a continuation of 'G.I. Joe' [as it was established last summer].”

They will have to introduce a few new ideas though, after all, that’s kind of the only reason to make a sequel. They say they plan to introduce a few new characters and they’re set for a tour of the Hasbro toy facility looking for inspiration. Reese says, “We’re going to be open to what they have, and we’re presenting them with what we have; it will be a meeting of the minds.” But mostly, it’s going to be fun. They did it with Zombieland and G.I. Joe 2 is almost certainly in good hands.

Josh Tyler