Images With A Pulse

From the Godfather of J-Horror comes the new movie Pulse. Yes, I said J-Horror. Apparently I missed a memo, because Japanese horror movies have gone all KFC on us. I really should do a better job of staying up on these things.

But Magnolia Pictures is releasing the J-Horror movie Pulse here in the U-States soon, and they've loaded us up with images from the thing. Using words like "loaded" makes this news story seem like it's a lot more comprehensive and important than it's actually going to be. Don't believe me? Stay with me.

So here's something you should know by now about me. I'm pretty picky when it comes to horror. I'm not going to trip over myself just because a guy jumps around a corner. But this movie… well damn it looks cool. I don't know if all the random imagery in the trailer actually adds up to anything when it's stuck into a movie, but what's there is really cool.

IMDB describes the plot as, "Japanese teens investigate a series of suicides linked to an internet webcam that promises visitors the chance to interact with the dead." Now that sounds pretty bad. It sounds like The Ring. Granted, this movie was released in Japan in 2001, but still, we've seen this to death by now here in the US.

So right now my opinion of the movie is a mixed bag. Cool, freaky trailer, lame, tired out, hot teens getting killed plot. Cry_Wolf or new horror phenomenon? You be the judge. Click here to visit the official site and watch the trailer, or down an inch or so and look at all the images Magnolia has dumped on us to promote the film which don't do it justice. Look for it in theaters in New Yor November 9th, November 16th in LA, and then expanding everywhere else if we prove we're worthy of it. At least I assume that's how they decide it.