Stunning Hellboy 2 Teaser Poster

A lot of the movies we report on here in the CB news section never actually make it to theaters. Everyone who works here has at least one high profile movie they don’t believe will happen. Our podcast crew for instance, still has their doubts about Indiana Jones 4, despite all the photographic evidence to the contrary. Me, I don’t believe in Hellboy 2.

But, for a movie that will never exist, Hellboy 2 has some damned pretty poster art floating around for it. MTV scored an mind-blowingly beautiful teaser poster for the film during their trip to Comic Con . It’s so good, that I actually sort of wish this thing would happen as an animated movie. Toss out the whole live action thing altogether, after all the first one barely broke even at the box office anyway. Screw prosthetics, give me an animated Hellboy.

Check out the awesome poster below, or see it over on MTV in glorious High-Res.

Josh Tyler