Brian Posehn Admits The Sarah Silverman Program Is Done For

Sarah And Laura Silverman on The Sarah Silverman Program
(Image credit: Comedy Central)

It was hard enough for this season of The Sarah Silverman Program to happen-- Comedy Central wasn't going to fund it, and then LOGO stepped in at the last minute to provide some funding and air the episodes themselves. So it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that a fourth season of the show isn't all that likely, especially since one of the show's stars, Brian Posehn, is willing to come right out and say it.

Asked by TV Squad what might happen to his character in the future, Posehn admitted "Well, I think we're probably done with the show." Not only that, but the production difficulties this season told them from the beginning that the jig was probably up.

"But we felt that kind of going in. Just because it was so tough to get them to give us the money to do the third season, we had to jump through so many hoops. I don't know. I'm also a negative person. I'm not going to be the blue sky-er, you know. I feel like we're lucky to have done what we've done, and I would be very happy to come back and do a season four. But I'd also be completely surprised if it happened.

Posehn also suggested that a spinoff, something along the lines of The Bri and Steve Show, has been discussed, but doesn't seem all that confident that it could happen. After all, Comedy Central has made it very clear that they don't have limitless money to throw at niche TV shows that just as many audiences may loathe as the ones who like it. Sorry, Silverman Program fans, but the writing seems to be on the wall for the death of this one.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend