More Episodes Of Made Coming Your Way

I’ve never quite understood what some of the kids on MTV’s Made are thinking. If you’re a chubby drama kid, why do you want to join the soccer team? And if you’ve established a reputation as the free-thinking rocker girl, what’s the appeal of becoming the prom queen?

The kids have their reasons, though, and four more of them will be debuting on television this Sunday, November 18. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. MTV will air the latest episodes of the show, which, as usual, will feature a high school kid undergoing a major transformation with the help of professionals who hope to help them change their lives.

There’s Made: Brainiac, in which a self-proclaimed “party girl” wants people to start taking her seriously as a smart girl. Made: Triathlete features a drama kid who wants to one-up the aforementioned soccer player by becoming a bona fide triathelte. In Made: Geek to Chic a graduate returns to his high school for homecoming in hopes of getting his first kiss (here’s hoping VH1’s Mystery from The Pick-Up Artist makes a cameo in this one). And finally Made: Model features a tomboy who longs to walk the runway (Tyra Banks would definitely have plenty to say about this one.

There’s a funny satisfaction in watching Made, seeing these kids put thier typical high school insecurities and aspirations on display for the entire country. I won’t deny wasting a solid afternoon with this show back when I had cable, and once I get cable again (thank you, Christmas miracles!) I may just sit myself down with Made: Brainiac. Hey, it’s never too late to try to become the smartest girl from your high school!

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend