TV Recap: Las Vegas - Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast

The big news of the night is that Mike and Piper get married. Say what?! Yes, married. It happens when they go to steal a hot bartender from another nightclub. I mean, this guy is totally worth it, because he puts Tom Cruise’s Cocktail to shame with his fun bar stunts. In the process, though, Mike and Piper end up getting smashed and…yikes…waking up in bed together the next morning with wedding rings and the whole bit. “Let’s just keep this between us until we can make it go away,” says Mike.

But that doesn’t exactly work when Danny and Delinda figure it out, and Cooper overhears them talking about it. And then…Mike and Piper sort of get into being married. Not the sex part, but the part where they banter and eat food off each others’ plates and talk on the phone at night. And Delinda thinks they should reconsider an annulment, as well. They do go through with the annulment, but judging by next week’s previews, they’re still into each other.

Meanwhile, in a totally stupid storyline, Sam retrieves a couple of her whales from a strip joint called Skin City. She has this guy called The Cleaner whose job it is to erase any aromas of the strip club on their clothes. He’s like the guy with “the kit” on 24, only this guy’s kit consists of cleaning products – so, you know, the wives can’t tell where the guys have been.

The only problem is the guy wants to retire, so Sam appeals to his grandson to take over the business. He’s working for a nonprofit to pay for the sins of his family over three generations, but finally acquiesces and comes over to the dark side to clean the sins off of people. Whatever.

And in another kind of dumb storyline, Cooper really wants to install an ice bar at the Montecito, but Danny doesn’t because they’d just be stealing the idea from Mandalay Bay. So Cooper makes Danny come up with another plan, which he presents to the staff who then votes to…install the ice bar. But then Cooper says he likes Danny’s idea to expand Opus onto the top floor for a city-wide view. So another whatever.

Not one of the better episodes, although I did like the Mike/Piper twist.