TV Recap: Lost - D.O.C.

So a surprise visitor has landed on the island in ABC’s ‘Lost.’ And she knows who Desmond is. But, will we find out who she is tonight?

We’ll learn more about her, but not in the main plot, which focuses on Sun and Jin, one of the more interesting couples on the island (thanks to the actors playing them), which means we rarely see them. Anyway, Sun’s in her garden working, and Jack walks up on her and helps out. He wants to know where Jin is, but really wants to know how she’s doing with her pregnancy. She’s got normal symptoms, but Jack wants to know if she’s been bleeding. That tips Sun off that the questioning is kind of strange, but she says she’s fine.

In a flashback in Korea, we see Sun walking through the city, talking on the phone with Jin. They flirt a bit and are obviously still in the honeymoon stage. Then, Sun sits down and an older woman eavesdrops, holding a newspaper with a picture of Jin and Sun at the ceremony. She pries into Sun’s business, and reveals that Jin’s not only the son of a fisherman, but of a prostitute as well. She wants a lot of money in three days, or else Jin finds out. And this is…his mother? I think? Not sure yet.

Meanwhile, Desmond, Hurley, Charlie and Jin are wondering who the parachutist is. Desmond says he’s never seen the woman before, even if she knows who he is. She starts talking, but not in English; Hurley recognizes it as Spanish, and realizes that she’s saying that she’s dying. They take her suit off and we see a branch stuck in her side that’s bleeding her out. Desmond and Charlie argue about trying to get Jack, but Charlie points out that no one, especially the Others, know they’re where they are. Until Hurley accidentally fires off a flare gun. Hate when that happens.

Back in Korea, Sun’s at her new home at night, when Jin arrives with dinner. They continue to playfully flirt and so forth, but she wonders why he has no family pictures. He says that they didn’t have a camera and that his father didn’t leave him any. Jin wonders what the problem is, and Sun says it’s nothing.

On the island, Kate and Sun are working on a curtain for a tent, when Sun wonders what happened to Jack when he was with the Others. Kate says that according to Jack, nothing bad happened, but Sun tells her about Jack questioning her, and wonders if the Others want her baby. Kate, of course, knows how lucky pregnant women are on the island and why there’s no baby store, and admits that Claire was taken for research by Juliet. Sun decides to investigate for herself. Hell, she says she wants answers; that only happens every…what, five episodes? She asks what happens to pregnant women on the island and Juliet says that they die. For those keeping score, this is one of the scenes where we’re supposed to feel bad for Juliet, who works for the Others and is in on a nasty plan of some kind. Poor her!

Desmond and his merry band are still bickering about what to do about the flare gun and the parachutist who knows his name. It’s not going any better, and having her start speaking in Chinese helps in no way at all. Then, the four of them hear rustling in the bushes, and Desmond prepares himself for one of the baddies. And, then, out of the bushes comes…Mikhail. You know, the guy who died four episodes ago. Man, he is the best magician I’ve ever seen! He stares down the four castaways and then smartly runs off. Jin goes after him and is followed by Desmond and Charlie. Hurley knows, I guess, he’d fall flat on his face after 100 feet? Anyway, finally, Jin catches up to Mikhail and they start to fight. Eventually, Jin gets the upper hand as Charlie and Desmond arrive, guns blazing. Charlie knows who he is, as Kate told her. Hurley points out that the electric fence did him in. Mikhail says that he can help the parachutist and Desmond relents. Oh, and by the way, despite the fact that Jin and this guy had a big chase, they must have run in a circle, since she’s still right there. Mikhail says that if he helps them, they have to let him go. Desmond agrees.

The flashbacks continue as Sun manages to find where Jin’s father is, still fishing. He’s thrilled to see her, and invites her into his hut. She tells him about the wedding, but wants to know why Jin would lie about his family. Mr. Kwon says it’s because he’s ashamed; Sun asks if that’s why he lied about her mother to Jin. He says that he’s still not even sure if he’s the father, but felt he had to take care of him. He begs Sun not to tell Jin about what the truth is.

It’s nighttime on the island, and Sun almost goes through what Claire did, when someone comes up to her while she sleeps and covers her face. It’s Juliet, who says that she can answer Sun’s questions, but she has to come along with her, now. Sun says that if what Juliet said is true, she’s dead, but Juliet says that there may be hope for her, and so Sun comes with her. Juliet is taking her to the medical station, with an ultrasound. Sun says that Kate and Claire found nothing there, but Juliet says that it’s because they didn’t know where to look. Speaking of looking, it’s what Juliet’s going to do with Sun’s kid. If Sun got pregnant on the island, she’s toast, but if she didn’t, things might be OK. She wants to know when Sun and Jin last had sex, and instead of slapping her, Sun just politely points out it’s none of her business, thank you very much, so they keep walking. This is a scene where we don’t like Juliet.

In Korea, Sun is visiting her father’s business, and speaks directly to her dad. She wants a favor: the money for the woman who knows about Jin. Her dad wants to know why he should do so for no reason, and Sun says that if he gives her the money, she’ll keep pretending her dad isn’t basically a gangster who kills lots and lots of people. He deduces it’s for something about Jin, but ends up giving her the cash. I wonder, is it dollars in Korea, too? I honestly don’t know, but everyone refers to it as dollars in this episode, and I have to wonder. Anyway, he gives her the money, but reminds her that Jin will work for him now, and is very scary.

In the jungle, Mikhail is trying to help the parachutist. He needs help with the procedure, and once Desmond volunteers, she freaks out, but Mikhail is able to rip the branch out of her. Desmond begins to tape the wound as she says thanks in her foreign tongue. So nice of her to supposedly come and save Desmond and not speak his language.

Elsewhere, Sun and Juliet have come upon the medical station. They go inside the relatively creepy and dark area, and Sun is obviously freaked. She wants to know why Juliet’s helping her, and Juliet says it’s because back on the planet Earth, she was a nice doctor who made people happy, and she hasn’t had the chance to give anyone good news since she got on the island. Sun reveals that, back in the real world, she slept with another guy, and Juliet does her best to sympathize. Man, what a flip-flop; now, I’m supposed to like her again. For the record, I’d prefer that all the villains on this show just be villains, and not try to pretend to be good half the time. Anyway, Juliet leads Sun into a darkened room and pushes back a set of lockers, revealing a massive metal door, which the two open, showing where the real medical equipment is. Oh, and also, it’s where all the pregnant ladies have been brought to die. So, as you can imagine, it’s very cheerful.

Mikhail, meanwhile, is telling Charlie and Desmond that the parachutist will be fine, and that within a day, she’ll be right as rain. Charlie points out that her lung was punctured and Mikhail smiles and says that wounds work differently on the island. Desmond lets Mikhail go, but Jin’s not having it. He runs after Mikhail and pulls off the satellite phone that he tried to steal. Mikhail basically acts like a smug bastard and Charlie rightly says that they can’t keep letting the villains go and Desmond says he gave Mikhail his word. Maybe…maybe, we stop doing giving the BAD GUYS our word? Hmm? How about that? Anyway, Desmond lets Mikhail go, so he can surprise another group of cast members next week.

In the room where the pregnant ladies go to die, Sun tells Juliet about how, in Korea, she knew that Jin was infertile. Juliet says that, for whatever reason, on the island, the amount of sperm in a man jumps up five times. Yikes! Juliet begins the ultrasound, and explains how it’ll work. Sun realizes that she’s losing either way: if the date of conception was before the crash, it’s not Jin’s, and if it is his, she’s going to die. But, she wants to go through with it.

In Korea, Jin walks in on Sun in the bedroom one morning. It’s the same day as when she asked for the favor; he goes to her purse to get a mail key and finds the large manila envelope with the money inside. That is one big purse. He wants to know what the money’s for and she lies, saying it’s for a honeymoon. He wants to provide for them, and always will. I gotta say, Daniel Dae Kim does a great job every week; he’s the least underrated male on this show and Yunjin Kim is equally underrated. What a shame. Anyway, he says he loves her and she walks away, sad still.

The ultrasound is going on, and Juliet’s even found the baby for Sun to look at. Sun is pretty much thrilled, and this is definitely a scene where we’re supposed to like Juliet. I believe this is going to be one of those episodes where she’s not bad. Juliet says that they crashed 90 days ago (almost Christmas!), and got pregnant only two months ago, so, if everything pans out the way it has, she’s a goner. Sun is, suffice to say, not thrilled about this, but is thrilled that it’s Jin’s kid. Seriously, why don’t they give Yunjin Kim more to do? She’s amazing in this scene.

Once again, we’re in Korea, at the same place we started at. Sun has come to meet the woman and gives her the money, asking why she didn’t tell her that she was Jin’s mom. The woman really isn’t very maternal, and Sun basically threatens her; she has the power to get the woman killed, so what Jin thinks is true.

The next morning on the island, Sun and Juliet walk out of the medical station. According to Juliet, Sun’s got two months to live, which means that, according to this show, she’ll be alive until the fifth-season finale. Sun’s not too mad, but Juliet wants to go back inside to recheck everything. Shouldn’t she have thought of that while they were in the station? Anyway, Sun thanks Juliet for what she did, which will make her turncoating very evil. Speaking of, we follow Juliet back into the room where pregnant women die. She opens a cabinet and pulls out a tape recorder. She records a message for Ben, explaining everything we’ve heard, and also that she’s going to samples from the other women. Of what, we don’t know. Oh, and she tells him she hates him. Again, poor her.

Finally, in the jungle, Charlie, Desmond and Jin are fixing up the parachute and Charlie reminds Desmond that the Others aren’t to be trusted. Desmond says that they killed more of the Others. Right, it’s the castaways’ faults. Anyway, before that conversation gets too stupid, we see Hurley next to the parachutist. And, guess what? Now, she speaks English. She wants to know where she is. Hurley says they’re on an island, having crashed from Oceanic Flight 815. She says it’s impossible, mostly because “they” found the plane and…there were no survivors. Everyone died. Well…OK, then. Didn’t see that coming. But, here’s the question: will we not hear about for another few weeks? Remember, we still haven’t seen what happened after Penny found the plane last year! Even still, good episode. Next week, John Locke’s up, and so’s his dad.