Paul McCartney Gives Beatles Game Details

Details have been few and far between about the upcoming Beatles music game under development by Rock Band studio Harmonix. However, one of the Beatles, Paul McCartney has just dropped a few hints about what to expect from the game

"It will feature different periods of the band -- you get early days, Liverpool, then psychedelic, and on from there," said McCartney to Entertainment Weekly. "It's very cool. And I like the idea that the game introduces kids to music, you know?"

The audience for the game will probably skew a bit older than the other Guitar Hero games, we'd think, but hey, maybe it will manage to draw a few kiddies away from the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus. We can dream. No release date or platforms are known for the game yet - "holidays" and "every goddamn console and handheld you can think of" are pretty good guesses.

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.