TV Recap: Fringe - Midnight

Have you ever loved someone so much you would be willing to die for them? If not, you’re not as lucky as the man with the killer wife in this week’s episode of Fringe. It’s not what it sounds like. ZFT turned her into a monster because the husband wanted to leave. And you thought your relationship was complicated.

There are grisly murders popping up around Boston (if I ever wanted to move there I definitely don’t anymore). They’re all men and their spinal fluid has been drained. Walter says the bite marks on their necks look human. Nice. Fortunately, the killer has syphilis so that should narrow it down a little bit. Especially since this particular strain of syphilis has been extinct for decades. Turns out, though, the CDC sent some to a Boston based laboratory for research. That same lab also ordered the strain of bacteria that made the skin growing disease a few episodes back.

When Olivia brings in the only guy in the lab, who just so happens to be the scientist, Dr. Boone. During questioning, he says he’ll tell Olivia everything he knows about ZFT if she will find his wife so he can save her. When he tried to leave ZFT, they infected her with a virus and now she is somewhat of a werewolf. He doesn’t know where she’s feeding but she needs to feed quite often. He was giving her his own spinal fluid, hence he is now in a wheelchair, but he couldn’t give anymore. So she’s out on the prowl and no one knows how to find her. Meanwhile, two more bodies have turned up.

The doctor tells Olivia where to find the virus and she brings him a vial so he can make an antidote. Good thing Walter is around to help. Oh, little tidbit, the doctor says he knows who Walter is in kind of a strange way. Anyway, they get busy trying to make the cure. Astrid has come in handy and discovered door stamps on the victims’ hands so Olivia and Peter rush to the club to try and capture Mrs. Boone, which, naturally they do. They’re on the way back with the now tranquilized Mrs. Boone but Walter and the doctor still don’t have the antidote.

They’ve been working non-stop but there is still something missing. Finally, the doctor realizes his spinal fluid was used in the virus and so they anti-dote must have to contain the same thing. But he’s already given so much that at first, Walter refuses to take it. After some convincing, they go through with the operation and the antidote works. The doctor saved his wife but ended up dying himself. He had a stroke and passed just as she was turning back into a human. Poetic, eh?

I know what you’re thinking…he took all his ZFT secrets with him but he was an honorable guy and he left a video for Olivia. He tells Olivia he doesn’t know too many names but he does know the funding for ZFT is coming from William Bell, the founder of Massive Dynamic and Walter’s old partner. If only we could know for sure if Walter started the whole thing. We know he wrote the manual but did he come up with it in conjunction with Bell? Ugh. More answers, please. Oh, and more Olivia and Peter (who are definitely getting more comfortable around each other). And no Peter and the sister, even though she’s now going through a divorce. Who knew she was even married? Funny.

At least we know for sure that Bell is involved. Oh yeah, and the bald guy was totally in the club when the wife was stalking her prey. It’s like a bald “Where’s Waldo.” Where will he pop up next and what exactly does he have to do with the pattern? Seriously, more answers, please.