Greg the Bunny - The Film Parodies

Fox has struck down quite a few brilliant shows in their prime and at the top of that list is “Greg the Bunny,” the story of a young puppet in a world where puppets and humans live together in harmony.

Thankfully, Greg and company found a new life on IFC, parodying movies and television. No longer just a family comedy, Greg and his buddies Count Blah and Warren spoof classic films like The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, and Easy Rider.

Now, “Greg the Bunny: The Best of Film Parodies” is headed for DVD. Coming October 24th (just in time for the show’s new season on IFC), the two disc set contains all 14 IFC episodes with commentaries and bonus features; this is simply some of the best parodies a stuffed bunny can put on:

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Disc 11. Dead Puppet Storage2. Sleazy Rider3. Bunnie Hall4. The 13th Step5. 2001: Space N Stuff5. Ya Know, For Kids6. Blah7. Bonus: Affurmative Action (featurette)8. Bonus: Ezekiel 25:17 (featurette)9. Bonus: Commentaries by Show Creators10. Bonus: Deleted Scenes11. Bonus: Gag Reel12. Bonus: Photo GalleryDisc 21. Sex, Button Eyes, And A Video Ape2. The Addiction3. The Blues She Is My Friend4. Martian Serum Seven From Mars5. The Godpappy6. Daddyhood7. Naturally Sewn Killers8. Bonus: Commentaries by Show Creators9. Bonus: Deleted Scenes10. Bonus: Photo Gallery

Check out “Greg the Bunny: The Best of Film Parodies” on DVD October 24th and the new season on IFC.

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