Beowulf Moves In QuickTime

Yesterday we talked about some images that had been released from Robert Zemeckis’s upcoming Beowulf here. Today the trailer has appeared online. It appears Beowulf time has come with this sudden PR push.

I have to say, the trailer looks pretty darn cool in places. The creepy CG that plagued The Polar Express (but kids were willing to overlook) doesn’t seem so prevalent here. I mean, it’s still there in a few places, but there is also some pretty damn cool looking stuff here. Some of these shots are downright artistic, like a painting coming to life, which makes sense considering the historical legacy of the story of Beowulf. I think I’m starting to understand why Zemeckis wanted to go this animated route now.

Still, the real proof will be seeing this on the big screen, larger than life, instead of my small computer screen. Has Zemeckis really improved his motion capture technique that much, or is the fluidity of it because of the small presentation? Since it’s appeared online, the trailer will most likely appear in theaters this weekend connected to something.

For now, check out the trailer in QuickTime. If you can’t see it, we’ve also captured some images from the trailer that you can peruse while you curse your workplace for blocking good stuff like movie trailers. Click on any of the images below to go to our image gallery.

Click to view the trailer in QuickTime