Dark Knight Scores The Biggest Opening Day Ever

We’re only one day into its release and, as predicted, The Dark Knight is already shattering every previous box office record. In the wee hours of Friday morning it broke every existing record for midnight showing attendance, and by the time Friday was over Batman had broken every opening day and single day box office record as well.

In one day, Friday, The Dark Knight raked in a stunning $66 million, according to Box Office Mojo. That gives it the record for biggest opening day of all time, and biggest single day of all time, handily defeating the previous record holder, Spider-Man 3, which only had $59.8 million.

Bataranging into the rest of the weekend, it looks like The Dark Knight is well on its way to becoming the biggest movie of all time. With showings sold out through Sunday in most of the nation’s movie theaters, and with many moviegoers going back for second and third showings after discovering the film actually lives up to the hype, breaking Spider-Man 3s previous $151.1 opening weekend record should be a snap. $66 million down, only a paltry $85 million to go.

Josh Tyler