Fox Goes Atomic On Teens

Fox’s new youth division Fox Atomic has a roadmap. They announced their upcoming 2006-2007 upcoming lineup today to kick off Comic Con, and sequels play a pretty heavy role in it.

Their upcoming slate of films going into production this summer includes The Hills Have Eyes 2, a follow up to 28 Days Later called 28 Weeks Later, and something called Turistas. Turistas is the story of sexy young tourists being terrorized in a Brazilian beach town. The first Hills Have Eyes movie was described as “gruesome” and “excessively gory” by some critics, wasn’t it also rated R? Sounds like great content for teens, assuming they can sneak past the usher to get into something rated R. It’s not really that hard.

Also on their list to get rolling later on next year are movies like a re-imagining of the 1984 movie Revenge of the Nerds and a sports comedy called The Comebacks.

In conjunction with their movies, they plan on marketing a series of graphic novels to the same “youth” audience. Harper Collins has snatched up publishing rights, and will distribute them in 2007 under the Fox Atomic Comics label. They’ll be based on the Fox Atomics films, and two of the first four titles will be “The Hills Have Eyes: The Beginning”, “28 Days Later: The Aftermath”.

While assaulting theaters and comic books starts in a few months, Fox Atomic has already started slathering itself all over the internet. Today also marked the beta launch of their new website Rather than the usual official movie website wallpapers and AIM icons, the site will offer user generated content made with the aid of an online viewing and editing tool. It’s brilliant really. Users will generate free content for Fox, and they’ll reap the benefits of it without shelling out a dime.

It’s kind of like a multimedia orgy of mediocrity. They’re going to make billions.

Josh Tyler