Hal Jordan Looks Worried About His New Ring In Two New Green Lantern Stills

Ryan Reynolds suits up in Green Lantern, 2011.
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

If feels as though it's been forever since we last heard anything from Martin Campbell's The Green Lantern, and, in a way, that's true. Set to be released in June, the last image for the film came out all the way back in mid-January which feels like years ago in the middle of the Hollywood hype machine. Is it possible that they're waiting until they have the suit looking better before showing off the character again? These new stills would suggest yes, as neither one of them has Ryan Reynolds decked out as a green space ranger.

French website MarveDC-Universe.com has posted two fresh, never before stills from the film. The first sees Hal Jordan, played by Reynolds, talking with his friend and fellow pilot Carol Ferris (Blake Lively) and the other features Hal looking worried as he is about to put on his power ring. You can also get a glimpse at the Green Lantern battery in the second shot.

Check out the new stills below and head over to MarveDC-Universe.com to see them full-size.

Eric Eisenberg
Assistant Managing Editor

Eric Eisenberg is the Assistant Managing Editor at CinemaBlend. After graduating Boston University and earning a bachelor’s degree in journalism, he took a part-time job as a staff writer for CinemaBlend, and after six months was offered the opportunity to move to Los Angeles and take on a newly created West Coast Editor position. Over a decade later, he's continuing to advance his interests and expertise. In addition to conducting filmmaker interviews and contributing to the news and feature content of the site, Eric also oversees the Movie Reviews section, writes the the weekend box office report (published Sundays), and is the site's resident Stephen King expert. He has two King-related columns.