Silver Screen Sopranos

It's more trendiness than news, but according to MSNBC,in a recent interview "Sopranos" creator David Chase told the NY Times that he might perhaps one day consider the possibility of looking at the option to bring the mob family story to the big screen...maybe.

“It may be that in two or three or four years I could be sitting around and get an idea for a really great ’Sopranos’ movie,” said Chase, “I don’t think that will happen. But if one morning somebody woke up and said this would make a really good, concise, contained ’Sopranos’ story, I wouldn’t rule that out.”

Yawn. Everyone from the producers of "24" to "LOST" have mentioned an interest in maybe making a movie. I'll take note when someone actually says they have a script and are signing the cast up.

While public interest in a movie may go up when the series comes to a conclusion in next year's final season (lame brain fans, start your online petitions), I just don't see a movie anywhere near the horizon. As brutal as "The Sopranos" gets on HBO I can't imagine them needing a jump to the big screen. It's not like broadcast television constraints are holding them back from expressing their, er, creative side.