New Trailer For Cuthbert's Captivity

Elisha Cuthbert’s imprisonment movie Captivity has shifted release dates again, this time to July 13th, the theory being (we presume) that any day with a 13 in it, even a Wednesday is good for a horror movie.

Along with that release date change, After Dark Films has shipped out a brand new, full length trailer for the movie. For those of you who haven’t been keeping up, Captivity is the horror movie where you get to sit and watch Elisha Cuthbert be imprisoned, tortured, and demeaned for a couple of hours.

The new trailer makes it look a little more like Saw and a little less like Hostel than some of the previous teasers we’ve seen for it. Depending on where you stand that could be either good or bad. Whichever it ends up aping it’ll probably still be labeled as torture-porn, a phrase which seems to have rapidly gained popularity over the past year and, call me crazy, but I think I invented it, even though Eli Roth claims David Edelstein started it). I should have trademarked the thing when I had the chance.

Right, so here’s the new Captivity trailer:

Josh Tyler