The 2nd Mass Mystery: Viral Clues Revealed

I received an interesting package in the mail today, that’s fairly mysterious and appears to be a promotion for something called or related to “2nd Mass(.com)” Maybe you guys can help us figure out what this is all about.

The item we received came in a brown envelope, which said, “Join the 2nd Mass. OPEN ASAP.”

I did open the envelope as soon as possible (after I took off my shoes and put my keys back in my purse so I didn’t lose them). Inside, I found this:

Inside the package was a Flip video camera that looked as though it had seen better days.

I attempted to play the video and accidentally recorded a one second video of my refrigerator door. When I see a big red button, my first impulse is to push it. (It’s best to keep me away from factory machines and space ship cockpits.) After figuring out the play button, I found this video.

The video shows a man packing his things frantically as he talks about an EMP hitting the west coast and the whole country going dark. He’s heading off somewhere, stating, “We’ll fight these things. We’re not gonna let these things just kills us all.”

We’re not the only ones to receive this mysterious message. also received one and they’re speculating that this video has something to do with an event at Comic Con relating to TNT’s upcoming alien-invasion drama Falling Skies (starring Noah Wyle, directed by Steven Spielberg). does have coordinates included on the note on the main site that point to San Diego, where Comic Con is set to take place.

I’m thinking ComingSoon’s on the right track. If you look at the picture set between the word “2nd” and “Mass” on the camera, it does look like an alien head being crossed out. As for the note on the site, the G in FiGht is capitalized and underlined, as is the first V in SurVival. Another clue?

Does anyone have any other ideas as to what this might be all about?

Kelly West
Assistant Managing Editor

Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.