TV Recap: Entourage - Snow Job

Once again, Billy proved to be a total basket-case in tonight’s episode of Entourage, titled “Snow Job” but like in the past, the whole thing got resolved due to a combination of Vince’s loyalty and Ari’s ability to scramble and spin. Meanwhile, Eric spent his day up in the hills and out of cell phone range where he spent more time managing Anna Faris’ insecure boyfriend than he did actually working with his client.

At the beginning of the day, Eric seemed confident that he would be able to manage Anna Faris with the same professional attitude he’s had when managing Vince. The guys all seem convinced that Eric took Anna on as a client because he wants to sleep with her but Eric explained that she has a boyfriend and that this is all business.

When E arrived at the photo shoot in the hills, he realized that he’s not going to be able to use his cell phone to get in touch with Ari or Vince if there’s an emergency. And there was an emergency but we’ll get to that later. It was for the best that Eric was out of touch with Vince and Ari because he certainly had his hands full with Anna and her boyfriend Dave. Dave was surprised and a bit disappointed to see that his girlfriend’s new manager was so young. He was even more disappointed when Eric shot down his idea for Anna to do animal poses for the photo shoot.

The photographer got fed up with Dave’s interruptions during the shoot and when they took a five-minute break, Anna went off with Dave to work the issue out. Eventually, Eric went to see what was taking them so long and he ended up in an argument with Dave. Dave drove off and Anna explained that he’s still bitter because the CW passed on his pilot and he’s feeling really insecure lately.

Now that Dave was out of the way, Eric figured he’d take a minute to drive down the hill and get in touch with Vince and Ari. On his way down, he nearly ran his car into Dave’s and the two got out of their vehicles and argued again. Dave accused Eric of wanting to sleep with his girl and drove back up the hill. Eric followed and watched as Anna dumped Dave, after hilariously telling him to stop talking like Randy Jackson (something most of us were probably thinking by the second or third time Dave used the word “Dawg.”)

Now onto the drama between Billy, Ari and the studio. Dana Gordon called Ari to ask him if he read the Lost in the Clouds script. As it happened, Ari had only received the script that morning and hadn’t even looked at it. Dana was pissed because the script didn’t seem to be a legitimate adaptation of the famous book. In fact, it was basically a whole different movie. Ari couldn’t get in touch with Eric but he set Vince the task of reading the script.

In the meantime, Ari set off to Billy’s house. You would think a guy like Billy, who has received huge sums of money for the work he’s done, would be living in a place nicer than the rundown hovel he calls home. When Ari shows up, Billy and his girlfriend admit that they spent the money he got for the Clouds script on a steam shower. It must be some nice steam shower.

Predictably, Billy loves his script, which he’s titled Silo and doesn’t want to change a thing. Ari tells him off and Billy fires him. Still not being able to get in touch with Eric, Ari talks to Vince about getting a new writer and director for the Clouds project. Vince tells Ari that he loves the script as is and wants to do the movie even if t isn’t a Lost in the Clouds adaptation. Ari tries to pitch this to Dana but as this is her first movie working at this studio, she really just wants things to go according to plan. Meanwhile, Billy is holed up in his bathroom with some liquor and a gun (with no bullets because “the bitch” hid them). Vince gets on the phone with him assures him that he loves the movie and still wants to do it.

Ari gets into the studio offices and sneaks past the reception desk to get into the head of the studio, Wimmer’s office. Wimmer gets out of the shower (how nice it must be to have a shower in his office bathroom) and finds Ari rambling about desperate times and desperate measures. Wimmer gets Dana in the room and Ari manages to get her to admit that while Silo isn’t a Clouds adaptation, its still going to be a summer hit. Dana, having not even read the entire script, tells Wimmer that it’s a cross between Blade Runner and Field of Dreams. Wimmer is sold on it and Ari and Dana leave his office muttering nasty comments at each other.

At the end of the episode, Eric comes home from his long dramatic day in the hills to find the guys, including Ari and Billy, toasting the Silo project.

It’s truly amazing how much can happen in one day. Poor Eric was too busy sorting out Anna Faris’ love life to be part of what could be a huge move in Vince’s career. It was kind of surprising that Vince, Ari and Billy were able to get to where they needed to be without Eric’s input but then again, Eric and Billy usually end up fighting whenever they disagree so maybe it was for the best that E wasn’t around for all of this because as per usual, everything worked out OK.

Kelly West
Assistant Managing Editor

Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.