Third Sucker Punch Short Examines The Lives Of Oppressed Robots

Sucker Punch
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Here’s the third in Sucker Punch’s series of animated shorts, set in Zack Snyder’s imagined world. As the last one did this one tries to make some big, broad, statement about the nature of life using animation and a brilliant narration by actor Keith David. Unlike the last one, the message here isn’t quite as clear.

The new Sucker Punch short embedded below is called “Distant Planet” and it attempts to examine the lives of oppressed robots, and the nature of life and death. Whether or not the message works, the animation is stunning and if you stick around till the end, the Sucker Punch girls will show up to kill everyone. Watch:

Sucker Punch arrives in theaters this weekend. Watch Cinema Blend for our review coming later this week. In the meantime, you can check out even more video from the film in our dedicated, Sucker Punch video page (including the two previous animated shorts) right here.

Josh Tyler