Jessica Alba's Eco-Friendly Company Is Pissing A Lot Of Costumers Off With Faulty Sunscreen

Jessica Alba’s billion dollar eco-friendly company is catching some serious flak for their non-toxic sunscreen. Alba’s company, Honest Company, which has gained serious steam as a successful baby product company, offers a variety of items ranging from cleaning products to diapers. But, one product is getting all the wrong attention, as users are posting negative reviews and photos of painful sunburns following use of Honest Company’s eco-friendly sunscreen.

The product is labeled as SPF 30 sunscreen and according to FDA regulations it should be applied liberally and evenly 15 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied after 80 minutes of swimming or sweating after towel drying, and at least every 2 hours in general. Customers who claim to be following these guidelines are complaining that sunscreen is ineffective/faulty, and are not happy about it.

The non-toxic sunscreen is obviously not working as angry customers are continually posting these photos of themselves and their children suffering serious sunburns after using the product for protection. Honest provided a statement earlier today to TODAY in response to the alleged faulty sunscreen:

Our Sunscreen Lotion was tested, by an independent 3rd party, against the protocols prescribed by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) monograph for over-the-counter sunscreen products. The results showed that our product is effective and safe for use as an 80 minute water-resistant (FDA's highest rating), SPF 30 sunscreen lotion in accordance with FDA regulations when used as directed … The number of complaints received on our own website about our Sunscreen Lotion constitute less than one half of one percent of all units actually sold at We stand behind the safety and efficacy of this product.

It is a valid statement to make considering the mass of this billion dollar company and the small percentage of people complaining. Yes, people are got sunburnt, but who knows if they followed directions, and as sufferer of plenty sunburns myself, I can vouch that SPF 30 is really not all that high. If you are prone to sunburn, you should be using much higher SPF.

Despite Honest’s statement though, when it comes to sunscreen, the FDA doesn’t actually test the effectiveness, that is up to the company. And while many customers are buying their product because they prefer the natural ingredients in the sunscreen versus often used chemicals, Honest may not have the formula correct. NBC5 in Chicago reported that the formula of the sunscreen was changed at some point from 20 percent non-nano zinc oxide to 9.3 percent. Most sunscreens that use zinc oxide as their active ingredient contain 18-25 percent and experts usually recommend 20 percent as a minimum. Honest followed up with the news network though, claiming they added other ingredients to make the sunscreen effective.

Whatever the case may be with this sunscreen, sometimes it is safer to use the products with chemicals, as dermatologists agree that UV rays pose a much greater risk than any chemical used in sunscreen products.