Laguna Beach: Taking Back Cabo

It’s probably not the Cabo locale itself that drives the LBers into super random hook-ups and other not-so-random, waiting-to-happen hook-ups, but the ubiquitous availability of inhibition-less alcohol. The usage of the word “slut” certainly hits its peak each season at the Cabo episode, dating back to the classic Stephen-Kristin fight that momentarily drove Stephen to LC (and this season was, thankfully, no exception). This season may have created the new precedent of spontaneous appearances of LB parents in Cabo. Tyler’s family (mother included) totally decided to take a family trip to Cabo during the LB Spring Break. When it was planned, Tyler and Kyndra were still (albeit shadily) together, throwing the now broken-up couple in complete gnarliness (yeah, well, Tyler totally makes up words all the time).

Breanna finally proved that she’s good for something. Any Laguna Spring Break episode is incomplete without a pre-gaming analysis at the Conrad mansion, and, thanks to Breanna, that feat was accomplished. Breanna’s mom told her to forget about the whole Tessa’s newly branded garbage rule (she isn’t even friends with the girl) and gladly okayed the potential Derek hook-up. Cami evaluated the pre-game situation with a foreboding vow that if Tyler ruined her dream Spring Break by forcing her to tend to a scorned Kyndra, then she’d get, well, all kinds of pissed.

Nights at the Zoo (a bar, that is, I guess, not too different from a real zoo) began eerily similar to the Kyndra-ridden Winter Formal. Kyndra was all about drunkenly playing with Cameron as Nikkizilla’s evil eyes prowled the scene. But this time, as Kyndra willingly pointed out (many times), she was in no way connected to Tyler, that is, before Tyler confessed his undying love for her. The two, fulfilling Cami’s prophecy, got back together for like literally 5 seconds, before Tyler showed up with some new girl the next night, prompting some major “slut” exchanges.

Kelan and Lexie certainly succeeded in bringing awkward to a new country as they painfully dodged open nudging (and judging) by Breanna and Derek (who did, in fact, share the drunken kiss Breanna had hoped for) to just hook-up already. The Kelan-Lexie hook-up never did happen and probably never will happen, thanks to Kelan’s cowering restraint and Lexie’s icy and conceited shyness. (The producers have got to be regretting this casting decision.) Even Tessa, who was still moping about the possibility of a relationship with Derek, confirmed that Kelan and Lexie would make “a beautiful couple.” Now those are two couplings that are just never going to happen. Maybe if Tessa hadn’t gone on some lame family visit to Virginia, she would have been able to make something happen in Cabo. God, what a slacker.

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