Scott Pilgrim Battles The Evil Ex-Boyfriends -- Er, Evil Exes -- In This New DVD Trailer

We brought you all the details of the November 9th Blu-ray and DVD release of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World a few weeks ago, but at the time we didn't have anything by way of a trailer or footage or suchlike. Today, we have exactly that. Suchlike. Er, whatever.

Universal has released the official DVD trailer for Scotty P.'s adventures in the ex-beating trade, and it's...well, pretty much exactly what you'd expect from such a thing. Features are hyped. Adoring critics are cited. Quotable dialogue is quoted quotably. It's the usual marketing two-step, but fortunately this time it just happens to be selling a rather kick-ass product. It probably won't change any minds one way or another, but trust me. This movie was great fun; you should watch it. Hell, you should buy it so it becomes something other than just another memorable box-office bomb. What else are you gonna spend that money on anyway? Rent? Pshaw.