All Your Friends In One Big Box

When it comes to TV on DVD, the standard format is you release each season as a separate box set. Well NBC is throwing that out the window for "Friends". The know what kind of fanatics they're dealing with, so they're releasing the entire show in one gargantuan, mammoth, mega-set called "Friends – The Complete Series Collection".

The packaging, appropriately enough, looks like something that fell out of a Bed, Bath, & Beyond catalogue, if Bed, Bath & Beyond sold Crayons. While I still think it should come with a stuffed replica of Marcel the monkey, $189.99 (current price on Amazon)

seems like a pretty decent price for 235 episodes on 40 discs. That's an awful lot of TV viewing.

'Friends – The Complete Series Collection' arrives on DVD next Tuesday, November 14th. To give you a feel for what you'll find in stores, below we've got packaging pics. Browse and decide if you'll buy

Josh Tyler