It's Alive On DVD October 6th, But The Redband Trailer Is Alive Right Now

You don’t have to go any further than your local mall or grocery store to confirm the existence of demonic children. Normally, however, these little hellions are the result of disinterested parenting than actual, you know, Hell. For the poor schmucks trapped in It’s Alive, however, post-partum depression is less of a concern than post-partum decapitation. Remaking the 1974 horror flick of the same name, It’s Alive hits DVD in rated and unrated versions on October 6th for $24.98.

The flick stars Bijou Phillips as Lenore, who leaves grad school after becoming pregnant. She and her boyfriend move out to a quaint little country cabin to raise their newborn. Unfortunately, soon a series of strange deaths break out, all seeming to have some inexplicable connection to their new baby, and it becomes clear that any white picket fence in their future is likely to have one of their neighbors impaled on it. It’s an object lesson in the old adage, “Spare the rod, and your child will eat everyone’s soul.”

It’s Alive isn’t packing much in the special-features department, but it will have cast and crew interviews. Check out the redband trailer and stills from the film below.

It’s Alive Redband Trailer