See The Ultimate Dysfunctional Family In Savage Grace

Life can be good, but it’s impossible for it to be spectacular all of the time. For instance, take the life of Barbara Daly (Julianne Moore), a woman who takes a ride on a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Well, in her case, extreme lows.

The film Savage Grace, based upon a book of the same title, tells the true story of this troubled woman. Barbara makes her way up the social ladder by marrying a man on a higher rung than she, Brooks Baekeland (Stephen Dillane). But, despite her charismatic personality, Barbara still cannot match her socialite husband causing instability in their relationship. Pushing their marriage even closer to the brink of despair is the birth of their son, Tony (Eddie Redmayne). Brooks looks at his son as a failure, so Tony becomes much close to his mother. Now the wheels are put into motion leading the plot closer and closer to the family’s tragic collapse.

It’s hard to resist a good murder story, especially when it’s true. But, then again, The Black Dahlia had an unbelievable back-story and was still able to be tarnished. Maybe we can rely more so on Julianne Moore than Josh Hartnett to deliver.

This one might not be the best Christmas movie ever, but you can pick it up December 23rd for $24.95 to at least have it as a stocking stuffer. Sex and scandal is more of a New Years thing anyway.

Perri Nemiroff

Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.