LucasArts Considered Wookiee Superhero Video Game

Before they decided to make Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, LucasArts considered a number of ideas for a next-gen game. Some of them were probably bad but they did have one really awesome idea.

"At one point we were kicking around an idea where you were playing a Wookie," LucasArts' Haden Blackman told GamePro (via 1UP). "It was going to be a big open world, and you'd be running around, and you'd be able to grab the heads of AT-STs and throw them at stormtroopers. It was a very over the top-style superhero game."

George Lucas nixed the idea, though. He apparently wanted dialog and character development to be an important part of any new franchise. The preceding sentence will probably make you laugh if you watched any of the prequel movies.

Anyway, I see Lucas' point that dialogue's a bit difficult in a game in which the main character communicates through grunts and roars. It's completely possible, though, to tell a good story even if the protagonist can't talk. This has been done on numerous occasions in video games. BioShock and Half-Life are two recent examples.

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.