Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie Teaser

When it comes to Aqua Teen Hunger Force, I just don't get it. I guess it's stoner comedy, which means I'd have to get totally stoned to laugh. But then why do that when I can watch something better and laugh without the expense and legal risk of pot smoking.

Obviously though, someone likes it because the Cartoon Network is turning their rather silly Aqua Teen Hunger Force series into a movie. The first trailer is here, and from the looks of it they're going for something that looks like a more adult version of SpongeBob Squarepants. Personally, I'd have thrown the whole animation thing right out the window and stuck a bunch of comedians in rubber suits. Now that might have been funny. But if the want to go the SpongeBob movie root, then as long as they manage to fit in a genius David Hasselhoff cameo, count me in.

Watch the first Aqua Teen Hunger Force Move teaser trailer by clicking over to Cartoon Network here.

Look for the movie some time in 2007.

Josh Tyler