The Avengers Trailer Leaked Online?

We knew that Marvel had been planning to release a trailer for The Avengers, and assumed that it would play this weekend in front of Captain America: The First Avenger. It just makes sense, after all the word “Avenger” is in the title. In fact there had been reports that it may be shown at the very end of the movie, in the closing credits, which begs the question… what is this?

The following video has popped up all over YouTube tonight. It appears to be some sort of leaked version of The Avengers trailer, but since Captain America hasn’t been released yet and The Avengers trailer definitely hasn’t, you have to wonder where the heck it came from. There were a handful of special Cap press screenings held in LA last night, but our own Eric Eisenberg was there and reported back that the post-credits footage wasn't shown to the press. Even if it were, those are usually so heavily policed it’s hard to imagine would be dumb enough to try and recording anything in those, much less get away with it.

So with all that said, we’re not quite sure what this is, or where it came from. It may be The Avengers trailer set to be shown after Captain America this weekend… which may mean it’s a spoiler and you shouldn’t watch it. But… maybe not. So here’s a warning…

WARNING! The following may be a Captain America: The First Avenger spoiler. Click play at your own risk.

And here's another version of the same footage we found floating around out there:

It's midnight on the East coast as I post this, which means everyone at Marvel is in bed. Odds are they'll let us know what's up in the morning, check back here for the official word on the validity of this trailer then.

Josh Tyler