Behind The Scenes Of Oliver Stone's W.

A fascinating, yet random collection of what amounts to little more than B-Roll footage from a visit to the set of Oliver Stone’s W. has been put online by Access Hollywood. It’s four minutes of nonsensical, leftover snippets which, really gives an interesting look at what went into making the film.

Particularly interesting is watching the transformation in Josh Brolin, between when the cameras are rolling and when they are not. If you’ve seen much from the film, then you know he’s doing a fairly good job of looking a lot like President George Bush. I, like most people, had assumed this was simply a fantastic makeup job. But if you look closely in the footage below, you’ll see it’s not all makeup. One minute Brolin is standing there with the camera’s rolling, giving a Bush speech, looking exactly like our most dufusy president… then the next minute the cameras stop, he rexlaxes his posture, and suddenly he looks nothing like Bush and a lot like Josh Brolin wearing a wig.

Check out the four minute, behind the scenes video from W., below:

Josh Tyler