Breaking Down The Heartbreak Kid

The Heartbreak Kid is the big movie opening this weekend, and if the trailers are any indication it’s a return to form, or at least genre, for the once great Farrelly Brothers. After sitting through rom-coms and failed producing efforts, they’re getting back to making raunch comedies with Ben Stiller. It’s the way things ought to be.

I’m headed out to see it in a few hours, and for the first time in a long time I’m actually excited about seeing a Farrelly Brothers movie. How will their brand of humor hold up against modern raunch masters like Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen? I can’t wait to find out.

In preparation, or to help you figure out whether or not it’s worth your time, we’ve got a slew of clips from The Heartbreak Kid for you. Scroll down, work your way through the embeds below, and get ready to watch Ben Stiller suffer.

Warning! Some of the following clips may not be work safe, and are almost certainly unsuitable for minors. If you’re under 18, get the heck off this page. If you’re 8 and you think you can ignore my warning because your parents are planning to take you to see it anyway… please don’t sit next to me in the theater. There’s nothing less fun than watching an R-rated comedy with some toddler sitting next to you in shocked silence because his irresponsible parents thought it was more important to have fun at the movies than to raise their kid properly.

The Queef Scene

Flipping Switches

Give Her Back Her Undies

Meet the Mother-In-Law

What’s Up Your Nose?

Josh Tyler