The Electric Car Rises From The Dead In Revenge Of The Electric Car

One of the most infuriating films of the past decade was undoubtedly Chris Paine’s 2006 documentary Who Killed The Electric Car. It chronicled the short life and essential murder of these new vehicles that ran completely on electricity rather than on Earth’s dwindling fossil fuels.

It would seem that some of these major car companies behind the the death of the first generation of electric cars have smartened up and started production on new lines of fuelless vehicles, and Chris Paine was there to document that as well. Revenge of the Electric Car takes us behind the scenes at Tesla Motors, Nissan, and even GM, who was crucified in the original film as one of the biggest hands that put electric cars in their early grave.

Rather than spend its time vilifying the bad guys, Revenge tells the story of four men who are racing to be the first mass producers of electric cars. At least one of those men was behind the initial collapse of the electric car industry almost ten years ago and states his reason for changing his mind was the hate mail he received after the first film hit.

Revenge and its predecessor do a great job of letting you know that this world needs a change, that fossil fuel vehicles are killing our home. Check out the trailer below, grab a copy of Who Killed the Electric Car, and help start a revolution. Thanks to Enviralment for the announcement.