First Bourne Ultimatum Trailer

The first trailer for The Bourne Ultimatum is here, and it looks like it might be kind of good… if anyone could watch it. For some reason they’ve seen fit to make it available in Yahoo’s horrible, unwatchable, streaming format. If you’re going to do that, why bother releasing it at all? Isn’t the point of a movie trailer to advertise your film, not grease Yahoo’s corporate palms? To do the best job possible of advertising your film, movie trailers should be delivered in the highest quality, easiest to watch format possible. Not in Yahoo streaming or MTV Unwatchadrive.

But, maybe you’ll get lucky. Roll the dice and attempt to watch the first international trailer for the third Jason Bourne movie, The Bourne Ultimatum by clicking right here.

Update! The good folks over at have managed to decode the trailer and host it on their website in a downloadable Quicktime format. It’s pretty small, but at least you can watch it. Try their version by clicking here. Or as an alternative try another streaming version over at FirstShowing.

Josh Tyler