Fred Claus Comes To Town

In all the noise of mediocre holiday movies out there, I'd forgotten this one even existed. Did any of you know that Fred Claus was coming to town next winter? I didn't.

Well now we have concrete evidence of the film's existence. The first teaser trailer for it has hit the internet. The film has an amazing cast, and a really stupid, worn out plot. Vince Vaughn stars as Santa's brother Fred. Santa, played by the great Paul Giamatti goes home to visit his family for the holidays and does things like give his brother Fred wet willies.

The whole secret life of Santa thing has been covered pretty well by Tim Allen's mediocre Santa Clause series. Unless they go the Bad Santa route and make it a rated-R adult comedy, , I have a hard time believing this has anything new to offer. Judge for yourself and watch the first teaser for it below:

Josh Tyler