Marie-Antoinette's New Order

I was actually a little worried about Sofia Coppola. In a news story I wrote up several months ago, announcing the casting of Jason Schwartzman in her next movie, Marie-Antoinette, I said something to the effect that it was disappointing to see her following up a film as great as Lost in Translation with a standard, give-up, period piece movie.

Boy was I wrong.

The first trailer for Coppola's next, Marie-Antoinette has apparently been available online for awhile, but we, like most sites, missed it. Shame on us. So here's your chance to watch it. I'm not sure what I think of it, but standard it isn't. Sofia's doing a period peace, but doing it in her own style… I think. It's a lot like a dramatic version of A Knight's Tale, assuming any of that music is actually in the flick. In a weird way, I hope it is.

To watch the trailer for Marie-Antoinette click here.

For more info and images, visit our preview database.

Special thanks to Christine for pointing us to the link.